17 Alternative Social Media And Blogging Sites to Share Your Investing Ideas–Or Get New Ones

Icons of alternative social media sites and apps
  • A long list of all alternative social media and blogging sites I tried.
  • Unlike others, I pay attention to the pages from an investor’s perspective.

  • Which one may be the future after Facebook?
  • The value in blogging and SEO is also important in some cases.

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter Icons


All Alternative Social Media And Blogging Sites I Use

The following list contains all websites to follow the Ageless Finance Investing blog on the internet today. And below, a more detailed description for investors and bloggers who want to share their ideas, blog posts or who are seeking new insights. These pages are alternative social media networks, microblogs, forums, or other sites with a social focus.

Some people don’t want to launch their website and need a platform. Or plan to join a community of people with similar interests. Others may wish to earn cryptocurrencies with blogging.

The list will grow. Check back soon.

Quick Jump to the Detailed Website List


Which Alternative Site May Be the Future Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Slate–everyone knows these services. But which will be the social media network of the future? Things may change fast, as we saw by the MySpace-Facebook or the AltaVista-Yahoo-Google turnarounds in the past. (E. g., Myspace was the largest social networking site in the world from 2005 to 2008.) And which sites are better for investors and users with a focus on personal finance? 

I decided to examine alternative social media sites because it has benefits for a blogger, improving the external SEO. But it is also fascinating to experiment with this, trying to find out which solution, business model, and interface may be successful in the future. Perhaps one day, I will find the future Facebook or Twitter in the early stage.

It is an entertaining journey, and maybe it never ends. Although, part of Facebook’s strategy is buying its competitors or launching similar products if the acquisition is not possible.

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Blogging and SEO–Givers and Takers

If you are a blogger or website owner, sharing your content on Facebook, Twitter, perhaps also on Instagram, or few other mainstream social media sites is a must because you can reach the masses there. But are alternative social media and blogging sites also useful? Some maybe, some aren’t. It depends if you find the audience interested in your preferred topics.

One crucial issue for bloggers with their website is SEO (search engine optimization). Some sharing sites take away your search engine traffic if you post on them your full content (or the major part of it). The shared content appears first in the list of Google and others, and your original post will lag far behind. And they give nothing in return, or only a few visitors per month. 

Nofollow And Dofollow Links

Technically, the “canonical links” point to these sites themselves as if they were their original content. And the “nofollow” attribute linking method in their code prevents your site from ranking higher by search engines. (I indicate this in the list with the abbreviation “NF”.) You don’t gain any “domain authority” (DA), which would benefit your site in the SEO rankings. Think carefully about whether sharing has advantages for you or only for them. 

Others which don’t use “canonical” and stay “dofollow”, are more useful for bloggers. You gain domain ranking and have more chances by search engines. But take care, don’t spam them, don’t exaggerate, or you may get banned on some sites.

But why use developers this nofollow link? Not because they are evil, they are trying to avoid spam. As in this quote:

All our external links are “nofollow”. (“Nofollow” is a term meaning that search engines should ignore these links and not consider this link important). If we were to make all links “dofollow” we’d attract SEO (search engine optimization) crowds. And you’ll see tons of articles about “Best birdwatching binoculars” with links to Amazon from the people who never went birdwatching in their lives. (Read.cash)

And now, the list. In the following part, DF/NF indicates the “dofollof/nofollow” linking method, and DA stands for Domain Authority (by Moz.com).  

Mainstream Social Media Sites

1. Is It Time to Replace the Good Old Facebook?

Some love it, some hate it, and some think TINA (there is no alternative). I fact, the company seems to defend its leading position very well. The networking effect is strong. If your friends and colleagues, relatives and rivals are there, you also must be there.

From the point of view of an investor, Facebook is not the best site to read. There are many distractions, like puppies, kitties, babies, nice girls or boys, advertising. And the content is often not really professional. (“When Lambo?”, “How to get rich quickly?”). However, there are some good groups, public or private rooms, where you can find specific information.

(DA 96)

2. Is Twitter for the Clever Guys?

You find many important people (VIPs) on Twitter, like Elon Musk or Bill Gates, hedge fund managers, stars, or famous cryptocurrency influencers. The number of distractions is much smaller, especially if you are not using the original Twitter. (I use the “Minimal Twitter” Chrome extension or Tweetdeck on desktop, and Albatross on Android.) You can select only people or companies who really matter to you and isolate yourself from the others. From a professional perspective, I find Twitter much better than Facebook. Find the people who matter.

(DA 94)

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter mainstream social media icons and a user
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter mainstream social media icons and a user

3. What Has to Do Instagram With Finances?

The short answer is nothing. It is not the application where you would share your investing thoughts. But if you made interesting visual content, like infographics, a video tutorial, or a meme, you can share it with your followers. (That was my original idea, but nobody is following me there at the moment. 😕 )

(DA 93)

4. Quotes And Infographics on Pinterest

Pinterest is for sharing photos, ideas. You also find useful infographics or thoughtful quotes there about personal finance, productivity. But less about investing itself. However, I like it, it’s worth a try.

(DA 97, NF)

Sites Specialized in Investing

5. Seek for Your Blog on SeekingAlpha

This big investment news, analysis, and data portal also has an advanced commenting system and started a contributor program. You can write for them for money or share your blog posts (in your “instablog”), making your own blog there. This activity can greatly increase your awareness if you attract many readers. You can link your site, but their links are “nofollow” and the posts appear as original SeekingAlpha content. (It offers no SEO benefits and directs search engine traffic to SeekingAlpha.)

(DA 86, NF)

6. Find Your Buddies on Stocktwits

This alternative social media site focuses on pure investments, and not only stocks but also commodities and cryptocurrencies. (I would say, on the most popular ones, as nobody was interested in rhodium, despite its astronomical rise.) Some of the content is redundant, like “I told you” or “I finally win” or “trade binary options, now” type posts. But you can find–or share–some real gems there.

(DA 78, NF)

Blogging and Microblogging Portals

7. Medium, The Blogging Portal I Desire

This famous blogging site has a lot of interesting content, I’d really like to pay for it if I’d more time to read. Because Medium shows personalized readings offer for all, based on our habits or interests. I always see luring articles on the front page. Some posts per month are free, but more, with paid subscription only. You can also write for money if you meet the standards. Or share your posts on your own site, and the “canonical link” will point to your content. (But Medium uses “nofollow” links.)

(DA 94, NF)

The Medium homepage is the place to go to quickly see the latest from your favorite writers and publications on the topics that matter to you most. (Medium.com)

8. Microblogging for All onTumblr

The reformed Tumblr could be so much. A blogging site, an alternative social media platform, a Twitter replacement, a Facebook competitor, because of the variety of sharing methods (link, post, chat, media, etc.). It is nice-looking and easy-to-use. You can share a link in seconds. There are some investment-related authors, for example, in the crypto-space, but I see little traffic lately.

(DA 73, DF)

Tumblr screenshot– Above in the menu, you see the sharing methods
Tumblr screenshot– Above in the menu, you see the sharing methods

Content Selection, Evaluation, And Link Sharing Networks

The amount of content on the internet is overwhelming. Selection, filtering, evaluation of content, the possibility to avoid low-quality readings and trash has a huge benefit for me. The value of these services can be measured by money–because it spares me time, and time is money.

9. One Swipe, One Post in Flipboard

I like this service because it is so easy to jump from article to article, swiping (flipping) the news on mobile devices. But the algorithmic post-selection may be even more important. My blog didn’t fit in their content program, but everyone can make a “magazine” from the preferred posts. Visit mine on Flipboard here.

(DA 90, NF)

My Flipboard magazine–a nice alternative reading tool
My Flipboard magazine–a nice alternative reading tool

10. Mixed feelings by Mix.com

Mix.com offers another algorithmic content selection mechanism. The topics are interesting, but I’m not convinced yet. The look is nice and modern, but some links lead you to paywalls soon. And my profile shows errors at the moment. I will check it again later.

(DA 91, NF)

11. Digging Deeper in Digg

Digg seems to have human editors, curators, which is a rare treasure in our brave new, robotized world. They focus only on a handful of topics now, but I see really exciting titles in my preferred sections. It’s worth paying attention to it.

(DA 93, DF)

The “meme stock” section on Digg.com

 Alternative Social Media Applications

 12. Anonymous Social Media And Messaging on Telegram

Telegram is the choice for many people who want to stay anonymous on the internet. In its “channels” you find some specialized, also investing-related information. Or, if not, you can start your own channel really easily, with a couple of clicks. Some channels are full. Others, however, empty or abandoned.

(DA 95, DF)

13. Mastodon Is Big, But Not So Slow Like a Mammoth

A Mastodon social site design element
A Mastodon social site design element

This decentralized, open-source platform looks similar to Twitter and its Tweetdeck app. It is a group of sites because everyone can set up a server (called “instance”). Some are specialized in special topics like technology or pictures, erotic content, and others are more general. (But instances are also connected with each other.) It may have a bright future if more people join and the network effect extends.

(DA 84, NF)

 Cryptocurrency-Based Media Sites

Let’s blog for crypto, earn money curating content, or playing online games, or even commenting only–these are the slogans of cryptocurrency-based media- and dApp-sites. The truth is, it is not easy to draw attention to yourself and your activity, but you can do it. It may be a long way to success, like in the case of many other passive-income earning methods. Don’t expect to get rich quickly.

14. The Grandfather of Crypto-Blogging, Steem

Steem is the oldest in this industry, started in the spring of 2016, almost exactly five years ago. The Steem token price went to approximately 80 cents today from approximately 80 cents in April 2016, so the business success is, somehow, doubtful. But as an investor or blogger, you may find other people with the same interests, share your ideas, posts, and earn some crypto in the process. (The system itself is complicated, you must learn many new technical terms like upvoting, downvoting, powering up and down, vests, delegations, whales, orcas, minnows, etc.)

(DA 89, NF)

My profile on the Steemit.com network (Steem blockchain)
My profile on the Steemit.com network (Steem blockchain)

15. United We Win, Separated We Hive

Serious disagreements in the Steem realm led to the birth of a new crypto-media community, Hive. The basics are the same on both systems. If you master the one, you will master both.

(DA 71, DF)

14-15./A. DApps Built on Steem and Hive

If you publish your content on Steemit.com or Hive.blog, it will appear on other sites, “dApps” or user interfaces cloning these blockchains. This may be an advantage sometimes, in SEO or in reaching an audience. For example:

My Peakd Profile (Hive blockchain)
My Peakd Profile (Hive blockchain)

16. Don’t Hurt Me, Blurt

Blurt is another Steem-version (fork), made in summer 2020 by a small user group. I suppose this type of forks don’t hurt anybody, but I read that they were exposed to many attacks. The system did or is planning changes compared to the original system. I look forward to where they will develop further. (Sorry for the rhyme.)

(DA 10, NF)

17. A New Crypto-Forum on Torum

Torum is a crypto-centric social media platform, ranging from user profiles to clans to companies. Designed to spark conversations and promote connection among the community–wrote the founders. It is a new forum, let’s see how it evolves.

(DA 15, DF)

18. Break Through The Noise on Noise.cash

A simple crypto-based short-posting, microblogging, and link-sharing community, where you can “earn money for your content.” (But in most cases only a couple of cents or nothing.) The small tips come in Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and there are only very few basic rules. (No extremism, no offensive content, etc.) A new, promising experiment, like the Read.cash blogging site for long-readings and other new Bitcoin Cash applications (dApps).

(DA 22, NF)

My Linktree page on a mobile phone
My Linktree page on a mobile phone

Other Alternative Networking Sites

19. The One Ring–Or Climbing on Linktree

This service is a simple but nice, mobile-friendly solution to share the most important links leading to your works or pages. It is useful on the profiles of other social media sites where is only one link allowed. It’s like “one link to rule all others”. A handy, modern tool for all.

(DA: 89, DF)

“One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all” (J. R. R. Tolkien)

 20. Don’t Be Late, Use Slate

Slate.host is, by definition, a document storage system based on Filecoin and IPFS. (A blockchain file system.) But if you look at it, it is easy to notice the similarity with Pinterest. I suppose the developers are planning to add social media functions in the future. (Not to be confused with the Slate.com portal.)

(DA: 24, NF)



I’m not a certified financial advisor nor a certified financial analyst, accountant, nor lawyer. The contents on my site and in my posts are for informational and entertainment purposes and reflecting my collection of data, ideas, opinions. Please, do your proper research or consult your advisors before making any investment or financial or legal decisions.

At the time of writing: I’m long in gold miner stocks, silver, platinum, copper, multinational energy companies, Anglo American, and various cryptocurrencies. Short in the German DAX and the VIX index.

(Photos: Pixabay.com.

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