Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Again – Priceless Financial Lessons

Historic stocks (Wikimedia Commons)


  • Ageless Finance means basic financial knowledge is essential in all centuries most people don’t know about.
  • There are always many victims of financial crisis, frauds, excessive debt or inflation for lack of knowledge.
  • Follow Ageless Finance to learn what humanity should have learned since ancient times!

How Can Be Finance – Ageless?

Ageless doesn’t mean old or obsolete, but let’s begin with basic financial knowledge from the Classic Ages:

The Crisis of the Third Century, also known as Military Anarchy or the Imperial Crisis, was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression

– wrote Wikipedia. Economic depression, crisis, almost 1800 years ago? Yes, and throughout the whole history, it happened over and over again. Another nice example: do you know which one was the “Great Depression” originally? No, not the one in 1929-1933. The other, forgotten long ago, in 1873-1879 in the USA, longer in other countries in Europe. (Renamed “Long Depression” later.) Some people can’t even remember very well the crisis in 2007-2009. The memory of many of us works well only for a few years.

Bank run on the Seamen’s Savings Bank during the panic of 1857
Photo: Bank run on the Seamen’s Savings Bank during the panic of 1857, Wikipedia (Harper’s Weekly at Library of Congress)

Evergreen Financial Lessons for You

Nothing changes, then? Are we struggling with the same financial problems over and over again? Not exactly, but some basic knowledge seems to be eternal and also geographically unlimited. This is what we call ageless finance because the basic financial knowledge is in great part the same today as many centuries ago. For example, some ageless basic rules:

  • Don’t spend more money than you earn.
  • Don’t make (too much) debts.
  • You should always have adequate financial reserves.
  • Planning is important – always think about your future and prepare also for the worst cases. (Illness, unemployment, death of family members, etc.)
  • Beware of frauds. What sounds too good is never true.
  • Mind the tricks of rulers, states or national banks which are trying to take away your savings, mostly inflating your money.
  • Etc.

Enslaved Debtors

These basic financial knowledge lessons people could have learned 2,000 years ago already, or maybe also 3,000, 4,000 years. But they didn’t. There are always some citizens who sink extremely deep in debts. Creditors sold their non-paying debtors in the classic ages often as slaves. In modern ages, many people work equally like slaves to pay off their debts. Others lost all their savings in Ponzi Schemes, frauds, market bubbles or due high inflation.


Postage stamps of Weimar Germany, hyperinflation of the early 1920s (Wikimedia Commons) 
Postage stamps of Weimar Germany, hyperinflation of the early 1920s (Wikimedia Commons)

(Main picture:

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